DMX's Family Warns Against Scammers Trying To Profit From Rapper's Death: Report

Frazer Harrison / Staff / Getty Images

They also reportedly refuted claims that Jay-Z and Beyoncé purchased X’s masters.

As with all highly publicized deaths, scammers are waiting in the wings. DMX fans continue to offer tributes and celebrate the life of the late rapper whose untimely death occurred following a heart attack. His family has made sure that the narrative surrounding DMX’s passing has been respectful and truthful, but there are still those who are using the rapper’s death as a way to swindle the masses.

According to TMZ, there are plans to have both public and private services for the beloved New York emcee, and as we await news of those events, the outlet states that DMX’s family is warning against falling for scams. There have been alleged rumors floating about that X’s loved ones are in need of financial help to pull together his funeral service, and TMZ reports that the rapper’s family states that is simply not the truth.

DMX, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Masters, Funeral, Scammers
Toby Canham / Stringer / Getty Images

There have also been reported companies selling DMX merchandise that’s supposedly connected to his family and the outlet claims that the rapper’s relatives have not sanctioned anything official at this time. The family also reportedly has called foul on the rumors that Jay-Z and Beyoncé purchased DMX’s masters for $10 million in order to give them to his loved ones. Apparently, that isn’t true.

“The family says X’s masters aren’t in play with Jay and Bey at all,” TMZ reports. “Yes, some are still under Def Jam control — but not owned by Jay outright.”
