Coronavirus: 50% Of New York Will Reportedly Be Infected

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio claims that nearly half all New Yorkers will contract the coronavirus by September.

We’re living in strange, unprecedented times right now. Entire countries are on lockdown, public events have been canceled, and sports seasons are being thrown to the side. We have never seen anything like this. Some areas the world have been hit harder than others, like Italy and China. Another spot that is likely to continue seeing huge numbers in regards to the confirmed coronavirus cases is in New York City.

Over the last seven days, things have gotten pretty crazy in New York City, with a shelter-at-home warning being placed and thousands new cases being reported. According to Mayor Bill de Blasio, the situation will only get worse if we aren’t careful.

“It’s a fair bet to say that half all New Yorkers and maybe more than half will end up contracting this disease,” said de Blasio during a press briefing this week. 

Coronavirus: 50% Of New York Will Reportedly Be Infected
Jamie McCarthy/Getty s

The Mayor says that many the cases will be minimal and require very little treatment at all. However, he stresses that lives will be lost and those that are at-risk deserve to be protected. 

According to the New York Post, the city’s hospital system is already nearing its breaking point after 18,000 cases COVID-19 were confirmed in the Big Apple, with nearly 200 people dying from it.

The Mayor estimates that approximately half the city’s population will have the disease by September.

If you are not an essential worker, please stay home, y’all. This is serious.