"Cats" To Be Updated With Improved Visual Effects

“Cats” is getting a facelift.

While it opened up at box fices on Friday, Universal’s Cats adaptation will be issuing a visually impaired version the film for distribution across all theaters in response to critics and moviegoers less than stellar ratings the film’s visual effects, namely the CGI animation that transforms actors such as Jason Derulo, Idris Elba, Jennifer Hudson, and Taylor Swift into lifelike cats.

The Hollywood Reporter reveals that the move, never done for a film already in release, is being made at director Tom Hooper’s request.

The film is an adaptation the 1981 broadway musical and received backlash at an instant with the arrival its trailer with viewers critiquing ing the CGI effects that blend the actors’ faces with feline features.  

“What the trailer reminded me was my original intention, which was to preserve as much the face as possible,” Hooper recently told Business Insider. “I think, possibly, in some characters in the trailer the original face had gotten a little bit lost under the fur,” he said. “So I think the biggest difference, which is subtle but it’s important, was to pare it back and sculpt it more lovingly around the actor’s actual face so I lost none it.”