LeBron James "Taco Tuesday" Details Exposed By Anthony Davis

LeBron sure does love his tacos.

If there was ever an athlete who could make national headlines for eating tacos with his family every Tuesday, it would be LeBron James. While some people cringe and flinch at even the mention “Taco Tuesday,” there is no denying that it has taken social media by storm as we delve deeper into one the more slower times the sports season. These past few weeks, LeBron has been ramping up his Taco Tuesday efforts and has even been enjoying the delicious snack while filming the latest Space Jam film. 

On Tuesday night, Anthony Davis appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! where he spoke about the time he got to attend LeBron’s infamous taco feast. As it turns out, LeBron is very serious about the tradition and even has a ton options for everyone that’s there.

“(Taco Tuesday) is a real tradition (for LeBron and his family),” Davis explained. “His chef does a great job. He has a combination everything. But LeBron is on this little diet, so he has his own thing. We got hard and st shell tacos… all types vegetables. It’s a real tradition.”

Taco Tuesday was recently transformed into a bit an EDM remix which is not just hilarious but also kind obnoxious depending on how you look at it.