Michael Phelps Opens Up About His Struggles With Suicidal Thoughts

Phelps is letting people know that it’s okay to seek help.

Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian all-time and has been the most impressive swimmer we’ve ever seen. Every time the Olympics come around, Phelps shows the whole world why he’s the best and doesn’t seem to age, although he would probably tell you differently. Success doesn’t come without its pitfalls though and Phelps knows that better than anyone. In the past, Phelps has been open about struggling with anxiety and depression but this past weekend, Phelps took to Twitter to delve deeper on his mental health struggles, all while urging people to seek help.

“Did you know that one in four people around the world experience a mental health issue? I was one them,” Phelps wrote. “That’s why I’ve teamed up with Talkspace] this  Mental Health Awareness Month] –– to let you know that getting help is a sign strength, not weakness.”

As he goes on to explain he actually used to suffer from suicidal thoughts which led him to seek help in the first place. These thoughts all stemmed from anxiety and depression that had plagued him for years.

“I struggled with anxiety and depression and questioned whether or not I wanted to be alive anymore,” Phelps explained. “It was when I hit this low that I decided to reach out and ask for the help a licensed therapist. This decision ultimately helped save my life. You don’t have to wait for things.”

Phelps ended his Twitter speech by promoting his collaboration with Talkspace which will surely help those in need.