PlayStation 5 Launch Is Still At Least A Year Away According To Sony

Will it be worth the wait?

The next gen consoles are coming. Both Sony and Microst plan on unveiling their new systems in the near future, with the Xbox system taking the lead. At this year’s E3, which takes place next month, Microst is expected to introduce the world to their rumored Scarlet system, which is said to be a multi-hardware device. Whispers cloud gaming, VR, and solid state drives have surrounded the Scarlet rumors, and the world will know more once E3 commences. Sony will not be revealing their latest system at E3 this year, but a new update from the company at least answers the question when we may see the new system in action. 

Wall Street  Journal tech-writer Takashi Mochizuki took to Twitter to announce that Sony had blessed him with some insider information. “Sony:
-No next-gen PlayStation launch over next 12 months,” he wrote on Twitter. “-PS Now has been ave. 40% annual growth since launch, now 700,000 users. -Much Y31.1 billion (difference between past fy op vs this fy op outlook) to be invested to develop next PlayStation console.” Since Sony isn’t planning to launch the PS5 within the next year, a 2020 holiday rollout appears to be imminent. That gives gamers just over 18 months before they can step into the next generation Sony gaming.