3 New Artists You Should Hear

We spotlight three artists we’ve just discovered.


We’re back again as we work our way towards consistency, slowly but surely. Two weeks ago, we debuted a new instalment which found three relatively unknown faces taking the spotlight. The same is true this week, following our in-house meeting yesterday, where we culled through our Soundcloud submissions and our staff’s submissions.

If it’s your first time seeing this feature, here’s a quick breakdown how it works.

  • Every week, or every other week, or maybe every three months, each our staff members submits a song from an artist we’ve never yet (or else, ~barely ever~) posted on HNHH (so get your song into the hands a staff member, and wow them with your musical prowess) 
  • The song does not need to be new, in fact, most the time, it’s an older record
  • This can include music videos
  • We listen to all the submissions as a team 
  • Each staff member votes on their top three favorite submissions out that week’s batch submissions 
  • We cull the votes, and feature the top 3 on the website, in a handy article like this
  • In an effort to include user/fan-submitted music as well, we also go through all our Soundcloud messages and pick out the best submissions we find to include in our meeting (please send us your most fire submissions, it can be your song or someone else’s). When we’re in submission-listening-mode, we send out a tweet like this, – so if you follow us you’ll be in the know (!).

This week, the three top picks were all submitted by our staff writers, once again. It appears our Soundcloud submissions need to up the ante.

Artist: Bby Laana *Staff Submission*

Song: “Skitz”

Location: San Francisco, California 

Sounds: A hard-hitting banger, simply enough

Discover more music: Bby Laana’s Soundcloud

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Artist: Eryn Martin *Staff Submission*

Song: “Ball”

Location: Canada

Sounds: “Trap Enya

Discover more music: Eryn Martin’s Soundcloud

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Artist: HellboyDucatti *Staff Submission*


Location: Fort Myers, Texas

Sounds: The streets meet soul

Discover more music: HellboyDucatti’s Soundcloud

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