Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Private Beta – "Respect The Franchise & Clock In Some Work" –

Do you need to clock in some gaming right now? Bored with your current video game stash? Gotta get a jump on the upcoming Call Duty: Black Ops 4?

Today, check out the top five reasons you should get your hands on the new Black Ops 4 Beta right now! Be sure to check out each reason and enter to win your own PS4 or Xbox One copy!]

Reason 1: Call Duty’s Maps

The first reason you should get your hands on the new Call Duty: Black Ops 4 Beta is because there are six maps you’ll fight through. Forget just one or two maps where you’re unloading hell onto your enemies – and friends in some cases – but there are a full six locations you’ll get to really explore. Within those maps, two them will make their first public appearance. If that’s not enough, then getting familiar with some new gameplay mechanics with the help Specialists Nomad and Prophet will really come in handy.

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